The Theological College

COINOCT stands for Comprehensive Institute of Christian Theology


Welcome to the world of life long learning “Comprehensive Institute of Christian Theology” believes that learning is for life. Teaching is something, which should take place throughout life.  It should also prepare individual for life significant tasks.

For the thousands of pastors without theological training, “COINOCT” offers a chance to acquire knowledge and be competent.  For seminars, graduates, COINOCT provides an opportunity to review and up-date subjects studied earlier. Lay church leaders interested in academic studies in theology at various level COINOCT, offers a new depth of learning and a means of equipping themselves for a wider range of service throughout the institutions.

God has been dealing with Apostle M.A. Bamidele, General Overseer of Christ Healing Evangelical Church, in a very special way.  As a great searcher for the truth, he had spent time and years praying, fasting and studying the word of truth in addition to other writings and attending seminars in and outside his vicinity.  In 1990, God made it more glaring to him the need for a school for ministers as a base for spiritual truth.

According to the revelation, the Holy Spirit is to be in charge to produce New Testament ministers filled with the spirit and knowledge of God in contrast to “cold intellectualism” which robs the church of her spiritual right and power today.

The vision to found a training Institution for ministers became a reality with the Apostle attending a theological Institution to familiarize himself and prove the possibility of such a vision.  On his return, The Institution: COMPREHENSIVE INSTITUTE OF CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY was established in 1990.

Training Programmes

The FULL spiritual training programme includes: training in: The five fold gifts of the ministry, as Christ gave them to the church in Ephesians 4:11’ And he gave some, apostles, and some pastors and teachers…”  The ministry of help and government:  Corinthians 12:28” And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gift of healing, governments, diversities of tongues.

Doctrinal Basis For The Programme

Teaching Concerning God

The unity of the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit in the Godhead.  We believe God reveals Himself in history.  In these, He points to a meaning and purpose in creation.  We also believe God has made Himself known in an intimate saving way to his chosen people, the Israelites.  Heavenly Father and redemptive love.  This unique revelation to his people came to a climax when Jesus Christ was born.  Through Christ, His life and death, and resurrection, God revealed His limitless love and purpose for all men.

Teaching Concerning Jesus Christ

The witness of the scripture is that Christ lived and was God before He came to earth as a man.  He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin, the Son of God, and the Son of man.  He was truly a man.  Christ came to earth to be the saviour of mankind.  He is the highest revelation of God.  He shows God to be a God of love, a God of forgiveness to those who seek His forgiveness, a God who desires that all men live the highest life possible.

The Holy Spirit: His Person And Work

The person of the Holy Spirit is God in action; the Holy Spirit is the power of God.  The power of the Holy Spirit is given to the church corporately and through individual workers.  The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.  The necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit in the new birth and His indwelling in the believer for sanctification and that He operates effectively and with power through the church as God’s ordained Institution.

The Holy Scriptures

The Bible is the inspired word of God.  It is God’s own word to us, and the only authoritative rule of Christian faith and practice.  The Holy Spirit lifted the under standing of the speakers and writers above the ordinary human limitations to give the scriptures divine authority.  The whole of the bible sets forth that which we need to know about God, what he requires and His work for the saving of men.

The Divine Inspiration And Supreme Authority of The Holy Scripture

For this purpose the Divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures is to be taken as meaning that scriptures is God-breathed, and that, while no attempt is made t define the method of inspiration, such inspiration results in language which is the word of God, by virtue of their inspiration and not surely become so in the context of human experience.

The Teaching About Mankind

The creation story portrays a grandeur that cannot be classified as any ancient legend of creation. The quit and depravity of human nature in consequence of the fall. The Bible distinctly states that God created man in His own image.  This would indicate there was no sin in the original man.  He had the power to follow God’s command or to do otherwise. Adam and Eve chose a voluntary violation of God’s expressed command.  From this point onward of man’s desires for fellowship with His creator and yet a natural bend towards evil.

The Teaching Of Regeneration

The doctrine of regeneration or the new birth is basic to all the teaching of the church of God.  A two-fold change is necessary in order that a person may obtain salvation:  there must be a change in position and in the nature of man.  The change in the position is a judicial act wherein man is given a place of standing again before God.  Justification means man has become a free person and is a friend of God.  Secondly, man’s nature must undergo a radical change from that which is absolutely evil, to that which is positively good.  This process is known as regeneration of the “new birth”.  This change is experienced through and only by the power of God.  With right of choice as a free, moral agency, man must express repentance towards God, and exercise faith in Jesus Christ.

The Teaching Concerning The Church

The church is Christ’s body of people called out to live as God’s own.  It includes all true Christians.  As Christ’s body, the church responds to Him as her head and is devoted to life with Him.  As the Lord’s living temple it brings together in spirit those who know what it means to worship God in spirit and truth.

The Personal Return Of The Lord Jesus Christ

The Lord Jesus Christ is coming again bodily for the…rule on earth

Courses Are Available For:

  • Full-Time Students
  • Part-Time Students
  • Theological Education by Extension (T.E.E) with class lectures of (18-20hours per programme).
  • Sunday school Teacher Training Programme
  • Ministerial Certificate Course
  • Summer School Programme (July-August) for Degree, Diploma and Certificate candidates

Length Of Courses


Bachelor’s Degree Course


Diploma in Theology Course  


Diploma in Christian Ministry Course


Sunday school Course


T.E.E. Course


Ministerial Certificate Course


Summer School Programme

July- August check out duration from school office, for Degree, Diploma & Certificate candidates.

T.E.E Explained

This programme includes 3 elements:

  • Self-study materials for individual study
  • Practical work in the congregation
  • Regular class encounters or seminars.

Theological Education by Extension usually depends heavily upon printed materials but it also importantly provides regular personal contact between the students and their lecturers.

These allow as well as provide for greater adaptation to these courses, participation and clarification for the student and promote the integration of theory and practice.

This programme is different from correspondence course, which does not take the student out of his environment, nor does it provides any personal contact between student and their lecturers.  The correspondence course therefore offers no opportunity to clarify, adapt, debate or discuss the course – content, for group or individual understanding or the sharing of personal experiences and testimonies.  This is why we are adopting the T.E.E. in preference to ordinary correspondence.

COINOCT Admission Requirement

In order to be admitted into Comprehensive Institute of Christian Theology, the applicant must have the following qualifications plus a Christ-like character, evidence of being born again and good recommendation from men and women with sterling qualities and integrity.

B.TH/ B.A Qualifications​

  1.  Five Credit passes (including English language in the West African School Certificate (SSCE), or
  2. Five Credit passes (including English language) in General Certificate of Education, or
  3. The Teacher’s Certificate Grade 11 with Merit in English language
  4. Qualifications equivalent to the aforementioned with proficiency in English language, or
  5. Diploma in Theology from accredited college

Diploma Qualifications

  1. Four Credit passes (including English language in the West African School Certificate (SSCE) or
  2. Four Credit passes (including English language) in General Certificate of Education, or
  3. The Teacher’s Certificate Grade 11 with Merit in English language
  4. Qualification equivalent to the aforementioned with proficiency in English language
  5. A student may also be considered based on his / her score in the entrance examination and spiritual experience, or
  6. Certificate in Theology from accredited college

Certificate Programme

Any applicant for this programme must be able to read and write the English and Yoruba languages respectively. He must have the first school Leaving Certificate or above. He must be genuinely born again and with a clean call of God upon his life.

Special Requirement

  • Spiritual commitment expressed in life style and Christian discipline.
  • Academic achievement: Candidate from various academic backgrounds with proficiency in English language and high spiritual experience may be considered.

Note: Every other detail like graduation requirement, grading point credit hours and division of courses are contained in the school prospectus.